We’re here to help

We have answered the most common questions about our practice. If you have any additional questions, we’re more than happy to answer. Simply contact us on 02 4216 5540 or email admin@femalecollective.com.au

A highly trained specialist physiotherapist who can assess, treat and manage a range of health conditions specific to females.

This includes conditions related to the pelvic organs, breast health and changes that occur during life stages such as pregnancy or menopause.

Whilst we all started as “traditional physio”, treating sore knees and backs, women’s health physiotherapists have undertaken further study and completed comprehensive pelvic health courses.

This gives them the knowledge and qualification to treat a range of women’s health conditions.

Incontinence refers to uncontrolled leakage of either urine (bladder) or faeces (bowel). There are many different types of incontinence that are determined by the cause/type of leakage.

For example, Stress Urinary Incontinence is when you have uncontrollable leakage of urine when pressure in your abdomen increases, such as during a cough or sneeze.

Urinary Incontinence

Bowel Incontinence

Chronic Pelvic Pain – Including endometriosis

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Breast Injuries

Pregnancy conditions

Postpartum recovery

Painful Sex

Stomach muscle separation post pregnancy

Pelvic Health Education

For those that have had a vaginal birth, an assessment can be completed once your postpartum bleeding has stopped and you feel comfortable to have one. Typically, this occurs from 6 weeks postpartum onwards.

For those that have had a Caesarean delivery, an assessment can be completed a little earlier if desired and after the bleeding has stopped.

It is recommended that all women who have given birth have a check up with a women’s health physio prior to returning to exercise.

Please allow approximately 60minutes for your initial appointment, and bring any referrals, test results or doctors letters you may have that are relevant to your condition.

The first part of the appointment involves taking a thorough history about your condition and medical history. This is your opportunity to tell your story and allows your physio to gather all of the information they may require to accurately diagnose and treat your problem.

We then conduct a physical assessment, which may include a pelvic examination. Any tests that are conducted are fully explained with questions able to be asked prior to and during the examination, and are conducted only after your consent has been given.

It is typical that some take home information and exercises are given at the end of the appointment to assist with your recovery.

Whilst many of our patients are referred directly from their GP or specialist, you do not need a referral to attend.

Simply call our reception or book online via our website to organise your appointment.

Yes, following your initial appointment a comprehensive report will be sent to your GP/medical specialist.

Generally, treatment is not claimable with Medicare. Treatment will only be claimable with Medicare if you GP has provided you with an Enhanced Primary Care plan (EPC)/Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDM).

Please note we do not bulk bill, so there will be a fee in addition to your Medicare plan.

Please speak to your GP about these Medicare plans to determine your eligibility.

Yes, if you have physiotherapy extras cover you may be able to claim.

Given each private health insurance is difference, please check with your own private health company.